Polkukyltit / The Path Signs artwork on Vartiosaari island in Helsinki since 2012

It has been a some kind of sort brake with my websites updates, because of my work as läänintaiteilija (specialist and coordinator) at Arts Promotion Centre Finland (ex Arts Council) in 2015-2018. However, in my artist work, I have been working (mostly) with two main artworks within these years (of course others as well). Katoava paratiisi (Passing/Moribund Paradise) – Vartiosaari, video artwork and Polkukyltit (The Path Signs). Both of these artworks are concentrated Vartiosaari, the island which WAS planned to build up for housing. Here I have a video about the Polkukyltit, unfortunately so far only in Finnish. Polkukyltit / The Path Signs by Anu Miettinen on Vimeo
